This is a roguelike game in which you are a file with a golden gun and you are flying on the net. But the web is full of surprises... Try to maintain integrity and reach the recipient.

Management is standard for top-down games:

WASD - moving, LMB - shooting.

After each completed level, a new factor will appear that affects the file transfer. There are factors, both positively influencing and negatively. Try to fly over the Internet to the recipient

A game created from scratch on the Unity engine for two gamejems at once and combining 2 themes at once: "Digital Footprint" and "Limited Space". The game was created without the use of assets using two crooked hands and one head. You can download the game in Russian!

Graphics were drawn in Aseprite, music and sounds were written on

The sources of the game can be found at the link:


Download 26 MB


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Выглядит интересно, но... А где скачать-то можно?)

(1 edit)

Огромное спасибо за замечание! Игру можно скачать по ссылке с сайта Людума. Честно, не знаю почему так получилось